Love “your” bank? Are they loving you back?
Loyal enough to pay extra? Your bank branch can only provide advice on the mortgage products and interest rates they offer. Why get just one mortgage option. Are you loyal enough to pay more in interest costs or risk a high mortgage penalty? This is the most expensive purchase of your life. The decisions you make matter. Let us do the rate shopping for you. Our preferred partner relationships with Canada’s biggest banks, credit unions and national mortgage lenders mean that we shop the best rates and the right mortgage solutions from over 25 lenders. By the way, preferred partners mean that as our volume with each lender increases so does our ability to provide industry best rates, quick turn around times to mortgage approvals, and efficient lender reviews of documents. We have the reputation and proven track record to get to yes on your mortgage application fast and efficiently!
Next steps…
Our team work closely with banks, credit unions, and national mortgage lenders. Yes – it’s true! Cupcakes and ice-cream! Mortgage agents are match makers – clients and their mortgage applications are matched to the right lender and mortgage solution. When we make a great match the lender pays us a commission. Our application process is simple and quick. All you do is provide a simple application, sign a credit bureau consent and then watch your email for our daily updates on the status of your mortgage pre-approval and then mortgage application.
Short on time? Self-employed or worried about your credit?
When our clients have unique situations there is usually a story about why; maybe they’ve changed jobs, or maybe they’ve been through a divorce or another life-altering event and their credit was affected. It is our job to tell your story to a lender who will approve you.
We are available on your terms. We are available daytime, evenings, and weekend. We can book phone calls, in person meetings at our office in Marda Loop, or video conferences.
The other good news – We access your credit bureau once. Many people inadvertently disqualify themselves from getting the best rate when they are shopping for a mortgage. When multiple banks or credit unions access your credit bureau the score can drop, sometimes eliminating the chance for the best mortgage, or in extreme cases, any mortgage at all.
So have the cupcake AND the ice-cream. You deserve the best of both! Connect with us. We are here to answer your questions!

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