
Web Page and Blog Posts Video Tutorials

Below are some some tasks you might perform on your website.  The videos do not have audio but should be still self explanatory.  For all of these videos you will need to login to the /wp-admin/ area.


When you are happy with your changes to your Page or Post you will have three options to save your work — be sure to Preview your work before saving:

  1. Save Draft – this is only available when a page is in draft mode, AND the page will continue to remain hidden when in draft mode
  2. Publish – this is only available when a page is in draft mode, AND the page will now become public
  3. Update – this is only available when a page is published AND the public page gets updated

Edit Pages OR Posts

The Edit Pages or Blog Posts Text video below walks you through the editing of a web page. Key things in the video:

  1. locate and view web Pages  or Blogs you want to edit
  2. hover over the section you want to edit
  3. click on the “pencil” icon to open a text area to edit
  4. save any change you make before closing the edit box
  5. preview your changes – critical to do before publishing a page
  6. when you are happy with your changes, save

Change Web Pages OR Blog Posts Images

The Edit Pages or Blog Posts Images video below walks you through the editing of a web page. Key things in the video:

  1. locate and view web Pages  or Blogs you want to edit
  2. hover over the image you want to edit
  3. click on the “pencil” icon to open a image area to edit
  4. select the new image you want to use
  5. ensure the image has a proper title 
    1. your company name: Elevation Mortgage
    2. two or three words to describe the image
    3. eg. Elevation Mortgage – Black Coffee
  6. copy and paste title into Alt Text box
  7. save any change you make before closing the edit box
  8. preview your changes – critical to do before publishing a page
  9. when you are happy with your changes, save

Add New Element to Page OR Post

The Add Simple Elements to a Page or Blog Post video below walks you through the editing of a web page. Key things in the video:

  1. locate and view web Pages or Blog you wish to add an element
  2. scroll to the bottom of page
  3. click on the “+” icon to open the Editor Toolbox
  4. select an element to add (initially should be a Row)
  5. repeat to add elements to the row like single image, text box, button, etc
  6. save any change you make before closing any dialog box
  7. preview your changes – critical to do before publishing a page
  8. when you are happy with your changes, save

Create a New Blog Post

The Create Blog Post video below walks you through the editing of a web page. Key things in the video:

  1. click on Posts or click on All Posts
  2. locate POST TEMPLATE – draft post
  3. hover over title and click on Clone
  4. find the cloned post and open to edit
    1. change the post title of the post
    2. change the main image
    3. change the feature image
    4. change main heading
    5. add you content
  5. preview your new post
  6. when you are happy with the post, save

Mailchimp RSS Feed Campaigns

Just like a web page or blog post you can edit your Mailchimp as well.  Start all the videos by logging into Mailchimp.

Preview Mailchimp RSS Feed Campaign Template

The Edit Mailchimp RSS video below walks you through the editing of a RSS campaign page. Key things in the video:

  1. click on Campaigns
  2. select campaign and click on Edit
  3. select Design from the bottom navigation (if it does not open there)
  4. preview your template
  5. send test email of your template
  6. when you are happy with your changes click on Save and Exit -> Dashboard

Mailchimp RSS Feed Campaigns

Just like a web page or blog post you can edit your Mailchimp as well.  Start all the videos by logging into Mailchimp.

Edit Mailchimp RSS Feed Campaign Template

The Edit Mailchimp RSS video below walks you through the editing of a RSS campaign page. Key things in the video:

  1. click on Campaigns
  2. select campaign and click on Edit
  3. select Design from the bottom navigation (if it does not open there)
  4. hover over any area and click to open editor
  5. make necessary changes and save and close
  6. preview your changes
  7. when you are happy with your changes click on Save and Exit -> Dashboard

Mailchimp RSS Feed Schedule

The Edit Mailchimp RSS Schedule video below walks you through the editing of a RSS Schedule. Key things in the video:

  1. click on Campaigns
  2. select campaign and click on Edit
  3. select RSS Feed from the bottom navigation (if it does not open there)
  4. set the feed schedule
  5. when you are happy with your changes click on Next button in bottom right corner to save

Confirm and Start Mailchimp RSS Feed Campaign

The Confirm and Send Mailchimp RSS Feed video below walks you through the sending of a RSS campaign page. Key things in the video:

  1. click on Campaigns
  2. select campaign and click on Edit
  3. select Confirm from the bottom navigation (or Next from Design screen)
  4. review ALL sections
  5. when you are happy with your changes click Start RSS
  6. confirm you want to start RSS